It's concert festival season, and so I thought I'd make it interesting and come up with my own festival. The way I see it, if you have an MP3 player, or iTunes on your computer, its probably loaded with a lot of the artists you would love to see at a summer music festival. So play along! Set the iPod or MP3 player on shuffle/random/DJ mode and list the first 10 or 20 artists who come up. No skipping, unless you get a repeat of an artist. Here's the initial lineup for my festival...let me know who's playing at yours>
Bill Withers - on the Septuagenarian Legends Stage
Umbrellas - on the Indie Fun Stage
The Divorce - on the Wish They Were Still Around Stage
FAIR - on the Sprinkle Stage
Brown Feather Sparrow - on the Yummy Northern European Music Stage
Lampshade - also on the Yummy Northern European Music Stage
Joe Jackson - on the Takes Me Back to College Stage
CUSH - on the Man, I Miss Them stage
The Violet Burning - on the Trippy Hipster Stage
Trent Dabbs - on the Ten out of Tenn Stage
The Sleeping World - on the Gonna Make it Big Someday stage
Smoosh - on the Hip Little Kid stage
Pedro the Lion - on the Pithy Poignant Observations Stage
The Spirit that Guides Us - once again, the Yummy Northern European Music Stage (great lineup this year!)
Jeremy Enigk - on the Introspective Seattleite Stage
Van Morrison - on the Irish Legends Stage
The Fire Theft - also on the Introspective Seattleite Stage
Anathallo - on the I Can't Describe it But I Like it Stage
The Myriad - on the Emerging Stars stage
Map - on the SoCal Tripster Stage
Thanks for coming! Your turn!
1 week ago